Protein Skimmers For 20 Gallon Tank...


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2008
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I'm looking for a protein skimmer for my 20 gallon tank. Im new to this whole saltwater stuff so here are some skimmers I've been looking at.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Which one would you choose of the three, or are these not the best and i should go for a more expensive one?

Also, if i get one of the two without the uv in it, is it required i have a uv sterilizer on the tank?
Location? Well actually that doesnt really matter, tunze 9002 nano skimmer if you dont have a sump.
You don't need one with regular 10% weekly water changes. SH

Skimmers can have more negative aspects than positive in smaller tanks. Cant really remember them all but ill try to name a few. Some arent really disadvantages, they are just annoying.

Have to adjust them a lot because water level fluctuates more in smaller tanks
Takes water out of the system which adds to the first annoying thing
Skims out some of the necessary elements for coral
Might introduce microbubbles
You will be paying more money for the skimmer than a few years of salt that you can use on water changes
You will have to be doing water changes pretty close to every week anyways.
i would not dare not use a skimmer in any of my tanks. I've skipped a water change for 2 months in my 20 gallon tank (exams and i was upgrading anyway), without the skimmer that pulls 250ml of dark gunk a week, i doubt the tank would have survived that, or at least my sps would have died (none died).

I wouldnt recommend this practice though, but it gives you a great back up for whatever reason. I always recommend them for nano and large tanks. Under 10 gallon wont need one for the simple fact that it would be a waste of room.
The general concensus is not to use skimmers on small tanks as you will be waterchanging on a weekly basis therefore they dont need it.
I would say bolderdash to that. I change 12ltrs weekly in my Nano and top up around 1 litre midweek. I skim with a V²Skim 120 Nano Skimmer
I can tell you from a personal basis that little unit pulls out some nasty brown gunk from the water column. So in conclusion, IMHO, I would say that I would rather skim and remove all that gunk rather than leave it in the aquarium water.
What BigC said. Even with water changes, my skimmer pulls out lots of junk.

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