Protein skimmer


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Tampa, Florida
I have a marine tank with a hang on skimmer. Ever since my first water change. The skimmer fills very quickly. It fills in 30 minutes to the point it overflows.

It seems to be grabbing too much water or something.

Anyone else have this happen?
try posting in the saltwater/marine section, you'll get the attention of a lot more reef keepers there!!! good luck with it!! :thumbs:
It sounds like the water level in the skimmer is too high - most have some form of adjustment to set the level.

What type of skimmer is it (exact model will help)? I am sure someone will ahve experience of the skimmer and be able to advise.

As DogFather says you are likely to get better responses in the Marine and Reef section.

need pics or instructions.. but yes the water level is probably too high. usually that is adjustibal some how... perhaps raising the unit a tad or a piece of acrylic that adjusts the waters level in side the skimmer...
Any instructions with it?

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