Protein Skimmer?


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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i've got a 20 gal tank sitting at home that i would like to turn into a FO or FOWLR (havent made up my mind) set up. I have an aquaclear 20 hang-on filter and would purchase an aquaclear powerhead for it, my question is would I need to purchase a protein skimmer for this size of a tank? If so I found this skimmer for a nano tank
I dont think its all that necessary, water changes are important as usual and are possibly enough to keep things in check. My local fish shop told me that its not necessary for me to have one for my 45 gallon tank...and they are a highly experienced shop I trust anything they tell me!! :)
Yeah, a skimmer is most certainly not necessary on a 20g :)
alright that saves me a bit of money then, thanks!
if you do decide you want to run a skimmer (and if you saw what they pull out of a tank, you certainly wouldent pour it back in), i've got one of that exact skimmer for sale. i bought it from the USA, but unfortunately it doesnt quite fit under the hood of my tank, it is a great bit of kit though!!

Its fully boxed with spare bubble stop rings, and it would come with the all important USA/UK power converter.

if you are interested let me know.


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