proper betta containment


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
hey im planning on breeding bettas and here is how i plan to do my setup"

im takeing a 10g tank and putting a divider in the center, maybe makeing on side a lil larger. im going to be putting gravel and fake plants in both sides.

im going to be useing my tap water for the water and the ph is around 8, this is fine for my guppys but will it be ok for bettas.

the divider is kinda clear and i wanna keep the male on the smaller side and the femal/s on the bigger side, will this be a problem? he may build a net but if shes not in there it wont phycologically damage him or anything will it?

i also dont plan on putting a lid on the tank, will this be a problem? iv heard bettas love to jump and i dont want them jumping out or over to the other side wat would make a good lid, because my divider wont work wit the same lid thats on my guppys tank, its one of those lids that sit on the edges of the tank so im gunna need sumthing that can kinda mold itself over the tank like suran wrap, wat do u guys recommend?

if theres any problem with my set up lemme know plz
I'm sorry but I can't answer the question
but just wanted you to take a look as this
Do you have the proper supplies, like stated in the Pinned article "Breeding Basics"

Also, I don't agree with the gravel idea, because when they embrace the father and mother are going to have a hard time picking up the eggs when they fall through the cracks.
thanks for the link danio and ill go check out the pinned articles again :D

im goining to use a seperate tank for the breeding, i won't be putting gravel in it thanx puffer :)

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