Proof Bettas hates fish

Silly me

Fish Addict
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
Rustenburg South Africa
Maybe its the small tank, or because I only feed him every second day, but heres the tank. his hiding in the plants waiting for his food

and here is the little bastard eating his friends in the tank

and the next one


he doesnt only kill them he eats them leaving only bits on the gravel..

Well now his all alone on the tank with nothing to do and no friends.

The tank is about 6 months old and no filter but water changes of 10-20% every 2nd to 4th day.. temp is 25/26degC

I have stop feeding him life food, as that was all he was getting, I hate adding flakes to a tank with no filter I was thinking life food would stay fresh longer LOL :lol: There is always fom dalfnia or some thing left the next day so I was thinking he and his tankmates were full?

Now I have a truly betta only tank
Now then, silly you (;)) that's not proof that all bettas hate all fish, now is it?!

What fish was that? Maybe he's just more aggressive than most and should be kept alone. I know people keep them with cories, maybe because they don't occupy the same space?

nope but I think this one would rather be alone..?

That was a neon terta in the top pic you can see 3 more in the left bottom corner
Perhaps he's hungry. I find its bright colours that bettas go for and in a small tank theres no where for a Neon to go :( where as in a larger tank the Neons can escape :)
When you saw him killing the first neon, you shoul've put the others in another tank.. poor neons :\
Bettas can get crazy hungry, especially if the surface water has some movement, like in my tank (I'm thinking about moving the guy but he doesn't seem unhappy). I recommend feeding the betta daily. It's easy to do if you use those little floating betta pellets. Bettas are predators, but you never know how they'll do in a community until you try.

i agree with feeding the bettas every day i have 3 betta tanks. wut size was that betta tank? iv never seen a betta attack another fish that was non agressive and didnt have long fins. my guess was he was hungry. betta pelets are far better to feed betteas then flakes IMO. and i find bettas like them alot more too.
I once put a small firemouth on my hex tank with my betta and it was pretty cool to see the betta flare and chase the firemouth arond the tank. BTW i didn't purposely put the firemouth there to amuse myself..I did it because when i got my Discus I thought my other cichlids won't be agressive towards them and they did. They stayed one night with the betta and was traded to my LFS the next morning...
He must have been hungry. I have one of my bettas in a 10g tank with a cory, swordtails, a tiger barb, black tetra and a rosy red. They chase each other around a bit but nothing serious, no fin nipping or anything. And I feed that tank twice a day with flakes and other types of food. Could be that your betta was really just hungry.
I have a male betta in a 5g tank with 3 mollies 1 male and 2 females he seems quit happy. He plays with them and I feed mine 2 times a day the betta pellets. Haven't had any problems.
swordtails, a tiger barb, black tetra and a rosy red
3 mollies 1 male and 2 females

none of these is as small as a neon??

I am changed my feeding, and is feeding him frozen shrimps, blood worms and betta floating feed.

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