My beautiful Phillipine Blue Pearlscale male angel, Ganymeade died last night. His intestine prolapsed on Friday and one of the two females in the tank with him grabbed it and pulled it out further. I removed him to a hospital tank where he died last night. I purchased all three in early Aug. as pre-breeders. He never ate well for me, refused all flake food I offered and ate only dried bloodworms, blackworms, frozen brine shrimp and BBS. He spawned with each of the two females a few times, but all eggs either turned white or he ate them. Was pretty bloated and sick for a few days each time he the eggs. Those two episodes were at least a month ago and he recovered after passing them. Would his poor eating habits have caused constipation? Any ideas? I want to avoid this happening with any of my other fish. The two females eat whatever I put in the tank and have not been sick or acted out of the ordinary at all.