Progressions Of My Tank


New Member
Aug 12, 2006
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Hey guys i started fish keeping bout 10 months ago with a 15 gal and my tank has changed alot since then so i thought id do a progression thing

Anyway as i said i set my tank up 10 months ago typical beginner set up with few plants gravel then when cycled i added guppys-sucker loach-2 gouramis-2 rosy barbs-adf anyway after a while fish were dyin so i thought to myself ill change it with the knowledge i gained from this forum unfortunately i dnt have ny pics of the set up before but trust me it was not pretty :lol:

so when in the summer holidays i stripped my tank down i decided to go for white sand and some pebbles this made this setup

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sorry it would not let me post pics :X
this was running for about 3 weeks and it started to get realy dirty loads of algae was building up, and the sand was filthy and showed every spec up. I decided to add some plants

and i still was not happy so for the 3rd time i completely changed bought some nice black lava rock and a piece of bogwood ,some plants and natural sand this time this produced this


and this has now cycled and theres 6 false neons and 3 corydoras


comments suggestions plz lol :good:
yer i know but when you see the head under the light it looks reely good its like a personal touch lol
:drool: Your tank looks amazing. And I absolutely love that Easter Island statue. It looks right at home amongst those plants. Brilliants setup.
cheers :p i was thinking of stocking it with another school of tertra and a pair of somthing or i was going to move the fish in there and add some dwarf puffers any ideas
That is some very good looking tank you got there 8) You have come a long way from your initial setup. A shrimp would look nice in that setup. But got to know if it is compatible with the fish you have.
I would take out the mando grass and plant it in a pot in your house-- they're not at all aquatic.

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