Product Reviews..


Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
Has anyone ever thought of having a 'Product Review/Rating' section??.. Theres a few products i have in mind that id like to hear other peoples opinion/experience with, and im sure other people do too.

Maybe also a subsection of where certain 'hard to find' products can be found??..

Please dont tell me we already have one and ive not seen it Lol.. :rolleyes:
i think if its hardware then you can use the DIY section

i thought someone would come on and say that anyway :lol:

good idea though
I think its a good idea.
Its got my vote
There's a product review section on another fish forum I use. It's really helpful. :)
Great... yea, it would be really useful. Ive also visited other forums just to use their review section lol.

Sure you could use the DIY section to for the odd review, but i think it deserves a section of its own. Reviews/Ratings for Filters/Pumps/media ect aswell as Lighting, Water treatments, Meds, Heating, Plant Care, Decor including Substrates, Foods, and all overall Brands... Im sure the DIY section wouldnt want to be cluttered up with all that lol.

Come on Mods.. what do you think ?? :hyper:
Ok well noticing the 'Simular Threads' topics below.. apparantly its been suggested before but is a no-no for legal reasons :angry: -_- :huh:
Yea thats what i thought.. or what if someone asked for a review/rating of another product in the diy section, would that post get deleted ? i dont think it would..

See what the Mods think..
Come on Admin/Moderators.. know your about somewhere Lol..

Feel a protest coming on..

*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*

Come on Admin/Moderators.. know your about somewhere Lol..

Feel a protest coming on..

*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*
*We Want Reviews*


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