Prodibio Stop Ammo

Hi Sean,

Are you not adding any live rock? What are you using for filtration?

I dont use LR i use the fuval 3 filled with boi rings and my refigium which has bio balls, sponges and a sort of deep sand bed (2") and i am going to add some macro algeas soon. Im having sooooooo much brown algea, its no that bad in the tank it looks quite nice on the rocks and over the sand, but my refigum is coverd, the sides everything.
Are you using the same refugium for the 12G that you intend to use for the 20G?

Personally I'd just let things run their natural course and adjust on their own. Adding macro algaes will reduce your nitrates and phosphate and should stop the micro algae explosion. Adding ammonia and nitrate removers may potentially throw things out of whack and present more problems than they solve in the short term when adding fish.
Yeah i think i will let things just run. When i convert my 26 gallon i will use the same refigum and prolly make my 12 gallon as a sump. I think i will just stick to my WCs then and get some macro algeas.

Thanks for your help

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