Problems with substrate, looking for suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2004
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We'e got our 46 gallon up and running, the inhabitants are described below in my sig.

We decided to use large (1"-2") smooth, flat black stones as the substrate--aestetically we thought it was more pleasing, and we would not have to worry about our babies swallowing gravel.

We have been feeding them pro-gold, which they love, the only problem is that it sinks so quickly that some of it inevitably falls between the cracks of the rocks and decays. The rocks make it very hard to vacuum it out, and I think it may be a contributor to our slightly cloudy water. I also worry about our water quality, even though we do weekly changes and stay on top of testing.

We have been thinking of changing to sand, but wanted to get your opinions before doing so. Pros and cons, etc.

sand can be used ,but cold water fish have a habit of churning up the bottom so you could end up with constantly cloudy water ,have you considerd switching over to floating pellets,they can be crushed up for smaller fish
How about nothing! more and more goldfish keepers are clearing the bottom of the tank and just have a few large river stones and potted plants. A lot easier to keep clean and nowhere for bacteria to lurk.

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