Problems With My Xenia And Candy Cane Corals


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Florida, USA - deep in the heart of Hurricane Coun
I purchased a pulsing xenia about 3 weeks ago. One of the stalks started attaching itself to my live rock, and just a few days ago was completely unattached to the frag rock that it came on. Well, now that it's moved onto my LR, it's not looking quite as thick and lush as it was before, and actually looks like it's shrinking, and not pulsing as much. I've tested the water, and all the params are within all the normal boundries.

Will this little guy move around until he finds his perfect spot, or should I be doing something to save him?

I purchased a small candy cane coral at the same time, and one of the stalks looks like it's dying - white spiny things are coming through the outer rim of the coral.

Again, water params are all correct.

Any help would be appreciated.
It might pay to post those stats. I dont recognise pulsing zenia as a species which moves itself around. Its most likely distressed and ditached from its base. Generally we place them in suitable areas.

The white spikey things coming from the rim of your candy cane coral sound like its skeleton to me.

What lighting do you have? Post those stats, we might be able to help if we have some more info. :)
If you say your water quality is ok then try the following:

Attach the xenia to some LR using a rubber band. Find a place where the current is medium and see if it pulses.

Switch on your lighting and move the coral around where it shows the best movement and extends its polyps to the light source the most.

One thing I would check for is Phosphate though as they are the bain of most corals.
I agree, could you post those chemistry values. pH, salinity, temp, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, calcium, and alkalinity. We also need to know what your lighting is. When an LPS like a candycane bares its skeleton, something is very wrong and needs to be corrected.
Well, this may be a dumb Q but...

Are you sure that the "spikey" things protruding on your candycane are not its polyps???

Just checking..

Well, this may be a dumb Q but...

Are you sure that the "spikey" things protruding on your candycane are not its polyps???

Just checking..


That registered in my brain, lol, but when mallenby mentioned outer rim, I gathered she meant the edge of the coral, not the center. It could be polyps though! :nod:

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