problems with my mollies


Fish Fanatic
Sep 21, 2003
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Ok all was fine for the first week i had my 4 female mollies. One had babies, and because i did not have another cycled tank i put a divider in. about 3 days after this they started pickin on each other. One white molly has flared fins and the other white molly has clamped fins. the one with flared fins won't leave the other one alone. The same exact thing goes for my two black mollies. One clamped one flared. Not sure what brought all this on, but any answers or suggestions would be nice. It's my sisters tank and she doesn't have any test kits except for ph and it's perfect.

C. Stratton
you need to get atleast two males or they will keep doing it and the ones that are getting picked on might end up dead and you might have taken to much of the tank away they need alot of room to get away if they are attacked by another fish.
thnx for the input with the males. i was thinking of gettin one sometime, but wasn't sure i should until the fry grow up. They have plenty of room to swim away, and often times the two being picked on hide in my skull. The divider only takes away a gallon of water so that should be fine.

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