pandora's lily
Fish Fanatic
well i have a betta, but this is just a general fish question. now when i feed my betta, he'll go after whatever i put into his tank for to eat, but he's started missing all the time. he'll go to lunge for a piece of bloodworm or betta bite and completely miss it. he'll keep doing this until whatever he's going for finally gets waterlogged and sinks to the bottom where its promptly ignored. the thing that is worrying me is that he's not getting anything to eat. this has been going on for a couple of days now and i don't know what to do. he's acting like he's getting pretty hungry judging by the rate of speed he goes after his food. he used to be able to eat just fine he had no problems, but recently started this thing. has anyone else ever had this happen with any other fish they've had?