Problems W/ My Betta


New Member
Dec 26, 2004
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upstate NY, USA
I've had my Betta for a while now...gee, maybe like a year now. He's got almost a salmon like color to his body and nice red velvety fins. After I brought him home from the pet shop and fed him some nice Betta food (pellets) and the occasional bloodworms, his physical appearance and condition improved greatly.
But for a while lately now, he seems to be feeling down emotionally or something...Does anyone else seem to notice some emotional ups and downs in their Betta? I don't know, I think it may be a phase because when I first brought him home he'd work on maintaining a bubble nest, which always was destroyed as I routinely cleaned his tank (he's in a 10 gallon tank)....then he stopped for a while, but as of late, he has a big nest that he's very protective over...I think he goes in and out of happy phases and down phases...

Also, in regards to feeding, he does not eat Tropical Fish Flakes. He won't touch them. Is this normal? I'm hoping it's not a problem as long as I feed him his Betta pellets. And lately he doesn't want to eat bloodworms as much as he used to. I was thinking of keeping the bloodworms from him for a long while, a couple of weeks, and then reintroducing them to him again, hoping he'll eat them since he hasn't had them in a long while...
Tropical flakes probably aren't good for you boy, actually; they are formulated for omnivores (bettas being largely carnivorous), and the freeze-dried nature of most flakes can cause constipation (which can be fatal). So, if he's eating pellets and blood worms, don't bother with the flakes at all. :good:

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