Problems Uploading Images


New Member
Aug 29, 2010
Reaction score
Leeds UK
Hi, I am having problems attaching images to my post for some reason. I have tried both the basic uploader and the flash uploader and get the same problems with both. Here's what happens... i write post and click the attach button, browse for file (a *.jpg @1090px x 210px and only about 42kb). I click the upload button and it seems to upload but once it is done I get a red X next to the file. When I preview my post the image appears so I submit the post. But then people are saying they cannot access it; neither can I when I try. I get an error message saying I do not have permission to view the attachment. The errror message is '[#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment.'

Does anyone know where I am going wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me bonkers.... thanks.
Nothing on your end, slight glitch on the forum end, should be OK now.
Oh ok great. Will try again. Thought it was me doing something stupid!


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