Fish Fanatic
One of my gold guppies (F) in my daughter's tank died tonight (or yesterday? I noticed this morning). Body wasn't chewed up so I think it was rather recent.
I proceeded to check the water and I got PH 7.8, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 80ppm (ouch), TDS 400ppm.
Tank is a 15G fluval flex. A couple days ago I did a modification to the pump and replaced the corse sponge that protects the propeller with a finer one to reduce the flow. I feel there were no slow moving area where the guppies could rest within the part that is clear of plants and hardscape, and they seemed to struggle to find a place for resting.
- 3 (was 4) Guppy F,
- 2 Guppy M,
- 5 pigmy cory,
- 1 neocaridina red cherry
I spent some time looking at the fish for behaviour after the water change and I noticed this one F guppy rubbing on plants. She did it repeatedly about a dozen times then stopped as soon as I took the camera out. Not sure if there is a problem or not, here is a video of her swimming and a frame from the video where you can see maybe a hump before her tail? not sure