Problems In Aquarium And Cant Figure Out!


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Maryland, US
Hello everyone,

I have something strange in my tank and i cant figure it out. My fish are acting very strange. I have a gorgeous orange and white balloon molly who is acting weird. she hasn't been as active as usually and she has recently began, on occasion, rub against some of the objects in the tank. Upon closer inspections i found that 1. her anal area is slight enlarged, 2. and there is a very small area on her right gill where i see some black dots, it is very localized to a small area and not wide spread. there is also a similar area but its even smaller on the left gill. she is also larger than normal i dont know if shes pregnant but i dont think she would be rubbing against objects.

I also have two guppies 1 male and 1 female (i know the ratio is off but he doesn't chase her as often) the female is not very active and she kind of hides in corners on the bottom and on top of the tank. The male is still pretty active but from time to time he darts across the tank very crazily sometime.

There is also a male balloon molly who's health has been a roller coaster ride. about 3 weeks ago he was in bad shape he look like his body was curved very un-normally almost crooked. but after some work he has gotten better. and now is acting like he did before, kind of floating around, pick at things and his body is starting to curve again.

Finally, i have a small platy who for the most part is ok, but he love to scale the side of the tank a lot, and i have seen him rub against things, but not as often.

All fish are excreting normally, same color as what i feed them, but sometimes its part clear, part red (which is what it looks like normally).

All fish are also eating normally

All Parameters in the tank are normal

GH - 80 mg/l
KH - 90
pH - 7.5
No2 - 0
NO3 - 30

Ammonia - 0

Also as a side note, within the last week i had a small female platy died, she just stop eating and had clear poop all the time until she died, this might have some relation

PLease anyone have any ideas, anything would help, thanks
treated with parasite clear tab, and will start internal parasite medicated food.

The orange balloon mollie now is swimming with its anal fin stick up, so is the male balloon mollie and rubbing on objects, what going on?
The worms not liking the med, should see them come out.

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