Problems Getting An Ionic Balance!


New Member
Feb 1, 2007
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I am having a few problems with getting the levels right in my system...

Firstly i am getting quite a high fluctuation in my PH from lights out and lights on!

Lights Out = PH 8.1
Lights On = PH of the chart (going into slight purple suggesting high Alkalinity)

Next my KH is low - 90 mg/l

Calcium is coming in at 420

Mg is 950

Now what i have available in the way of additives is

Aragamight Might Calcium Powder
Epsom Salts
Seachem Reef buffer

My system is a UK 20g Nano

What can i add to remedy my problem?... Obviously if i don't need to purchase anything and can use what i have available then thats better...

What do you guys suggest?... I haven't added anything yet till i got some sound advice

(i have had my readings confirmed at my LFS)
Whats your flow situation like Stu? Both types of powerheads, and where/how they are positioned. A pic would be great :). Typically, wide fluctuations in pH are due to poor gas exchange at the water's surface. They can also be due to poor collection methods. When you collect water in your test tubes to test, ALWAYS test a good 3-5" below the surface. Cap the tube with your finger, sink it down a few inches, then remove it and allow the tube to fill up. Surface water is usually in a state of flux chemistry wise and is not really representative of the chemistry throughout your tank.

Second, that alkalinity and magnesium are WAY low, while calcium is fine. This is the most typical chemistry problem that I tend to see in the tanks of beginner aquarists. You can go ahead and start slowly dosing epsom salts mixed in RO water to bring your Mg up but wait on the alkalinity for the time being until we check into your flow pattern ;). Have you read any articles on DIY additives by Randy Holmes-Farley?
Thanks Ski...

Im my 20g Nano (24" x 12" x 12") the flow comes from 1 x MJ1000 and an MJ 1200 with is fitted to a DIY spray bar (This has been done last week to aid in water movemement around the tank and to increase surface aggitation)

The spray bar i made looks like this:

That runs anlong the back of the tank about 3" from the actual Surface and i get a good rising on the surface so it just breaks the waters surface... and also get an even spray of water along the length of the tank pointing downwards...

The other MJ 1000 is positioned in the top right hand corner of the tank and is aimed at slightly over centre of the front glass slightly positioned at the surface...

I don't have any dead spots in the tank that i have noticed

My didgital camera is broken at the minute thats why i havent been able to provide pictures of the set up yet the best i can muster is a phone picture... I'll take that tonight and get it up tomorrow...

Any thoughts on remedies!?...



Oh and i was measuring my MG levels wrongs (damn salifert test kits instructions!!) My Mg level is actually 1110 ppm which i know is still low...

What Alk & Mg levels should i be looking at!?...
MJ 1000? I was unaware they made such a model. Thought it was 400, 600, 900, 1200?
So you have nearly 600gph worth of flowrate which equates to 30x turnover and you're having pH swings? Something's quite not right. It could be that your alkalinity is really low or that your fish stocking is too high.
My stocking isn't too high...

1 x Perc Clown
1 x 6 Line Wrasse
1 x Cleaner Wrasse

4 x Asrea Snails
2 x Blue Legged Hermits

My Ionic balance is out!

Mag = 1110ppm
Alk = 2.5 meq/L
Cal = 380 ppm

so i am in the process of getting these levels up!

I want my Mag at 1300, My cal at 425 what should i get my alk too!?.. 3 or 3.5 meq/l?...

do the above figures sound about right!?...

I think this alone might stabalise my PH...

On a side note i think my PH kit is a bit at fault... Can anyone reccomend a good PH probe!?..
Raising your alk to around 3.3 meq will stabilize things a lot. Make sure your calcium is at least 420 when you do that though, keep them in balance. Have you read any DIY additive articles? If not, look in the realm of knowledge, page 2, I posted a DIY additive link.
Thanks.. yeah i have read a lot about the DIY additives...

I think i will keep to tried and tested products though so i don't raise anything else undesirable (sulphates etc)

I'm going to raise my Mg level first, then i'll bring my Alk and Cal up in uniform...

Thanks for all the help guys

My salt i use Reef Crystals, With RO water to an SG of 1.025 at a temp of 26°...

I'm going to get my levels balanced to start and top up my NSW with C-Balance before adding to my tank...

I change 20% weekly so hopefully it will stay in check without having to dose the tank direct but i will monitor to see how it goes...

With the aragamight calcium additive, shall i use this to remineralise my RO for top off!?....

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