Fish Addict
I don't know if I should be putting this post in the Tropical Fish Emergencies forum cuz I could just be a worry wart. About a week ago I noticed one of my gourami's flicking against some plants so I freaked and immediately gave him a salt bath (2 tsp of aquarium salt in a very small container on the advice of LFS). I think I may have left him in there a bit too long (only 1 minute bath) because he began to float sideways in there like he was dead. i touched him and he began flip about (maybe he was playing dead?). when I put him back into the tank his colors became very bright for a minute or so and then went back to normal. He seems fine now. Does not rub against anything eats well, no clamped fins, but does hide once in awhile (this could be because I have gangster angels in my tank). Now my other gourami is flicking (once in awhile) against plants. Should I give him a salt dip as well? The only water problem I have had is an ammonia spike of .01 ppm barely detectible. I have at least four ammonia kits and only one of them detects the ammonia. I know this happened because I was adding melifix when adding my new angels (added two angels to keep the peace between the other two I already had-temporary). Every time I put melifix in my tanks this happens and I am done adding it to my main tanks.
---this is so long winded...sorry.
everyone looks great in my 29g, like a bunch of peacocks with all fins fully extended and healthy swimming and eating behavior. no white spots on anyone.
what should i do?
thanks for any help
I don't know if I should be putting this post in the Tropical Fish Emergencies forum cuz I could just be a worry wart. About a week ago I noticed one of my gourami's flicking against some plants so I freaked and immediately gave him a salt bath (2 tsp of aquarium salt in a very small container on the advice of LFS). I think I may have left him in there a bit too long (only 1 minute bath) because he began to float sideways in there like he was dead. i touched him and he began flip about (maybe he was playing dead?). when I put him back into the tank his colors became very bright for a minute or so and then went back to normal. He seems fine now. Does not rub against anything eats well, no clamped fins, but does hide once in awhile (this could be because I have gangster angels in my tank). Now my other gourami is flicking (once in awhile) against plants. Should I give him a salt dip as well? The only water problem I have had is an ammonia spike of .01 ppm barely detectible. I have at least four ammonia kits and only one of them detects the ammonia. I know this happened because I was adding melifix when adding my new angels (added two angels to keep the peace between the other two I already had-temporary). Every time I put melifix in my tanks this happens and I am done adding it to my main tanks.
---this is so long winded...sorry.
everyone looks great in my 29g, like a bunch of peacocks with all fins fully extended and healthy swimming and eating behavior. no white spots on anyone.
what should i do?
thanks for any help