

New Member
Nov 10, 2006
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north east - england
it seems alot ov things in my tank r turning black!!!!!!

i noticed 1 ov my rocks has loads ov black dots on the other day, and closer inspection my aftifical plant starting to get them too!!! i threw a real plant out yesr=terday as that was covered in them and was'nt sure if harmful to fish or not

any1 have any ideas?
I get this on my amazon swords all the other plants are ok and on my rocks. I'm wondering if it is anything to do with over feeding? At the moment i'm introducing less food! :unsure:
It sounds like you have black beard algae. You can google that for pictures. I think it's impossible to remove manually, so you'd need to toss the plants with and dry out the rocks? I bet somebody else knows more than me.
It sounds like you have black beard algae. You can google that for pictures. I think it's impossible to remove manually, so you'd need to toss the plants with and dry out the rocks? I bet somebody else knows more than me.
Back to the top then........please help us.......someone. :blink:
algae at a guess, the plant forum is the best place to ask algae questions.

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