

Feb 18, 2006
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Wigan, England
One of my neon's blue strip appears more green than blue, one fish has been picking on him, is this normal?

Also some have small lumps under there bellies and just before pooing holes, are these the female ones?
The "blue" line on neons, (Paracheirodon innesi), is not a pigment. It is produced by iridophore cells that contain layered guanine crystals which reflect and refract light of certain colours, (wavelengths). There is, thus, considerable scope for variation in the colour.

That said there is another species, Paracheirodon simulans commonly called a "Green Neon" which is greenish rather then blue, but is obviously a different species when seen side by side. The red stripe is much fainter, or totally missing.

If these are new fish, then a bit of chasing around is common as they establish their hierachy. It rarely causes any damage if the group is large enough, say 6 or more fish. As always, you should watch it though.
Ok thanks :)

What about the females though, do they have small lumps underneath the bellies?
Also being a fish keeping noob, the first thing I think when I see a white dot on a fish........

Here are pictures (he wouldn't come to the front of the tank, he's right near the surface at the back by the heater) :

It's most likely just me exagerating a bite from another Neon, but I just want to be sure :)

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