Problem With My Ranchu


New Member
May 14, 2009
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My ranchu seems to be stuck to the bottom. he can make it up to eat, but then he falls like a rock and sits there all day. I thought it was swim bladder, but we fed him peas for over a week, no improvement. tried it again, no improvement. even switched to sinking pellets so he'd swallow less air. no improvement. this has been going on for quite awhile. he wasn't always like this though, when we first got him, he swam fine. other than that he seems healthy. any suggestions?

10gallon w/ 2 orandas and 2 ranchus, all between 1 and 2 inches (will be switching to a larger tank soon as they've begun to grow fast)
ammonia - 0
ph - 6.5
nitrite - <0.1
nitrate - <10
Swim bladder can be caused by many things like.
Bad water quality.
Bad diet.
Unstable temp.
bacterial infection of the swim bladder.
Internal parasites.
Birth defect.

Your tanks severely overstocked.
You need a 45 gallon tank to keep all 4 goldfish.
Also you need a 90 gallon filter to cope with the waste.

Any red streaking on body or fins of fish.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.

I would switch them to a larger tank now.

You need to improve there diet with some frozen foods like brime strimp and daphnia. Daphnia very good as it help the fish digest its food.
Don't over feed bloodworms as it can make fish bloat up.

Here a link to swim bladder.
your ph is a little low try raising it to 7.6 and you really need to get the nitrite and nitrates to zero (regular weekly water changes)
you should also check you gh ( General Hardness )and kh (Carbonate Hardness ) as these will effect your ph

my veil tail aka -angel- suffers with the same thing,
her swim bladder was damaged when my tennis ball with fins aka- jelly- tried to spawn with her.
she was so badly damaged that she would flip upside down, i removed the other fish to another tank and left her to recover,
i started her on peas, she gets a chopped up pea (shes only little so only needs one) twice a week every week and crushed pellets so it sinks every day,
this has helped she now spends most of her time on the bottom of the tank the right way up, she swims up for food but down she goes as soon as she stops swimming
i had her in the tank on her own for months for her recovery and she became almost lifeless she never seemed to move, so i put 2 babies i bred in with her an she perked up she spends more time rummaging in the stones

as wildersays theres alot of causes for swim bladder problems and they are hard to treat, just keep with it ive been treating her of over 12 months and only in the last 4 months have i seen an improvement.

she will never be 100% right but she has come this far and believe me there was times when i thought she wouldnt make it till morning, but she was still there when i came down in the morning,shes a fighter and shes with me till she desides other wise

good luck
nitrate level is fine...nitrite should be 0 so that indicates over stocking.

as for ph, goldies arent fussy and mine are in ph 6.5 and fine.

swimbladder can make them sink if its not filling with could be a bacterial infection or something growing in the fish to stop it filling with air.

i would starve the fish for 3 days and then feed squashed peas and se if any improvement

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