Problem with my Male Guppy

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I'm not sure if this is an emergency or not...i'm new to the fish world, i have a 5 gallon tank with 3 zebra danios and 3 male guppies. I haven't done any tests on the water because i just bought the aquarium about 5 days ago...i put some aqua plus water decontaminator and cycle in the water on the first day. I have the fish (all 6) for 3 days now and just today one of my guppies hasn't been eating, he hasn't really been moving around a lot either. I just noticed about an hour ago that he has a long clear/white string looking thing hanging off of him near his anus. I have no idea what it is and none of the other guppies have had this. So i'm asking the question...what is it? All answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

I just did a water test and thses are my results...

pH-> with the low range tester about 7.6
with the high range tester about 7.4

ammonia -> roughly 1.0ppm
nitrite -> about 0.125ppm
nitrate -> about 1 or 2 ppm

I checked up on my guppie this morning and he seems alright...he's still not moving around very much and he hasn't eaten yet today so yeah...
If your guppy isn't eating, that's a bad sign. Is there anything on his body, like wounds or parasites?

Is the aquarium fully cycled? :unsure:
Is it possible for you to get some of the water tests?
now that i've read around on the forums a bit...i'm not too sure if the aquarium is fully cycled. I'm going to go buy the test thingys sometime this week...can i get them at a place like petland?
:) Any petstore would carry a water test. Are any of the other fish acting strange?

Be sure to get the water tested as soon as possible, because Ammonia is harmful to fish. :(
All the other fish seem completely fine...their chasing eachother around and whatever..are zebra danios usually this full of energy? When i first put everything into the aquarium the guppies would just sit on top of the filter but now 2 of them play around with the zebra's and the other one just hides in the plants (fake plants).

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