Problem with my corys


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
I recently noticed what looks like a white spot on the noses of both my panda corys. I wasn't worried since it looked flat and wasn't very noticeable. However, today when I took a close look at one of them, I noticed that the white spot now looks like a bump that is peeling off. It looks sort of like fungus to me - sort of cottony. It seems strange to me that both would have it and both in the same spot though. I don't know if I should treat these guys, or if I should leave it alone or what? Of course I wish I could add salt to the water but I can't. The only medication I have is called "Quick Cure" which contains formaldehyde and malachite green. I also don't know if it's safe to use the full dosage on scaleless fish like my corys. It says to use a drop per gallon daily unless on tetras, which I don't have in the tank. So should I try this, do nothing, or buy something else to try? And if I end up using something - how long should I treat for? Thank you guys.
Hi there,
I am having the same problem with one of my jilli cory's. It looks like a white pimple. I hope someone responds to this post so I will know what it is too. Good Luck.
Deb :sick:
Hi juliethegr8te and debo! :)

I was surprised to see that you both have corys with this problem. I don't know what it is but I'll look in my books and try to find out.

But let me ask some questions. First, what do you have on the bottom of your tanks. Second, is it kept very clean?

Since the cory cats spend much of their time rooting around with their noses in the gravel, I suggest we first consider whether there is something there that is causing the problem. If the gravel is too large or too sharp it could cause irritation and even result in the loss of their barbels. Could it be an injury and not a fungus?

When you do water changes do you siphon from the bottom to bring up all the dirt and any spoiling food that may be there? This is pretty important where bottom dwellers are concerned.
The bottom of my tank has regular size gravel bought from the LFS. Its like what you see everywhere. I want to change eventually to sand but wasn't aware of the sand option when I started 4 months ago. I do water changes often, and I do clean the gravel from the bottom and stir it up quite a bit. The barbels look ok and intact so I'm not sure what this is. Maybe a case of teenage whiteheads!!!
The jilli seems ok ansd happy, not hiding or anything. One thing I will add is that I have one tiny tiger barb that loves to torment all my corys when they are resting on the bottom of the tank. Its like they all play hide and seek together. They hide and that barb goes in search of everyone of them. I have 8 tiger barbs total and the other ones never do this. I had thought maybe it had been bit on the nose by it, but there is no way it could get that close as the jilli is really fast!!!
Thanks for the responses.

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