Addicted and in Therapy
I recently noticed what looks like a white spot on the noses of both my panda corys. I wasn't worried since it looked flat and wasn't very noticeable. However, today when I took a close look at one of them, I noticed that the white spot now looks like a bump that is peeling off. It looks sort of like fungus to me - sort of cottony. It seems strange to me that both would have it and both in the same spot though. I don't know if I should treat these guys, or if I should leave it alone or what? Of course I wish I could add salt to the water but I can't. The only medication I have is called "Quick Cure" which contains formaldehyde and malachite green. I also don't know if it's safe to use the full dosage on scaleless fish like my corys. It says to use a drop per gallon daily unless on tetras, which I don't have in the tank. So should I try this, do nothing, or buy something else to try? And if I end up using something - how long should I treat for? Thank you guys.