Problem With Male Fighting Fish


New Member
Jul 22, 2006
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Hey all,

I am having real problems with my male fighting fish.

We introduced him to a 3ft x 1 ft tank which had 5 congo frogs in. We then bought a some female betta's who shared the tank as well. We then learned the same day they couldn't all live together. So the Female betta's were given to a friend of ours. Ever since they were taken out, the male fighter keeps attacking the congo frogs, to a point where we think two of the frogs deaths are attributed to him!

Why is he being like this?

some bettas are just vicious like that. i'd either rehome the frogs or the betta to another tank.
Bettas can be very aggressive, or they can be peaceful, and unfortunately it just depends on the particular fish. :/ I have noticed that once they learn that shrimp can be killed and they they taste good, some bettas will kill all shrimp in a tank within a day. Others will either take one when they're hungry, or some don't touch them at all.

He might be a bit frustrated after loosing some very nice ladies. :hey: I would separate the frogs and the betta for a week or so and try it again after he's settled down. It might work, it might not.

Good luck!
I don't think that's true about bettas being better on their own. I have one male in with 6 black kuhli loaches and 5 snails, and another in with two different kinds of shrimp and I'm planning on getting an ADF for that tank as well.

It just completely depends on the betta - some do great, some don't. I don't think I'd mix a frog in with the first male, but I know he'll be safe with the second. I think the tank mates also have a big influence on the betta - if you have fish or other creatures that aren't competing with the betta for tank space or food, there shouldn't be a problem.

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