Fish Addict
I havn't really tanken a large notice to this problem over the past weeks but now I can't ignore it any longer. My male Dwarf Gourami ahs been losing at lot of his beautiful colour in his fins and same as his weight.
I have tried placing more food in the aquaium at feeding time and adding more plants so he can hide a lot and not become too stressed. I have cleaned out the filter and the gravel as well, also doing a 40% water change just yesterday and a 20% water change on Sunday.
Romeo (his name) still eats a lot but spends most of his time hiding behind my bog wood and plants.
I know I have a male Crowntail Betta in my tank but he is gentle as a lamb, only one has he taken a nip at my male guppy but after isolating him in my breeding tank he has not taken a nip out of any of my fish. I have noticed though that my feamle dwarf gourami does chase my male around the tank a lot nipping him at his sides and tail... is this normal female behavious? Because I don't really like it. I am considering giving away my female dwarf gourami to my friend who seems to have a harassing dwarf gourami male, but I'm not too sure.
Does anybody know how to help my male Dwarf Gourami?
I have tried placing more food in the aquaium at feeding time and adding more plants so he can hide a lot and not become too stressed. I have cleaned out the filter and the gravel as well, also doing a 40% water change just yesterday and a 20% water change on Sunday.
Romeo (his name) still eats a lot but spends most of his time hiding behind my bog wood and plants.
I know I have a male Crowntail Betta in my tank but he is gentle as a lamb, only one has he taken a nip at my male guppy but after isolating him in my breeding tank he has not taken a nip out of any of my fish. I have noticed though that my feamle dwarf gourami does chase my male around the tank a lot nipping him at his sides and tail... is this normal female behavious? Because I don't really like it. I am considering giving away my female dwarf gourami to my friend who seems to have a harassing dwarf gourami male, but I'm not too sure.
Does anybody know how to help my male Dwarf Gourami?