Problem with Male Dwarf Gourami


Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I havn't really tanken a large notice to this problem over the past weeks but now I can't ignore it any longer. My male Dwarf Gourami ahs been losing at lot of his beautiful colour in his fins and same as his weight.
I have tried placing more food in the aquaium at feeding time and adding more plants so he can hide a lot and not become too stressed. I have cleaned out the filter and the gravel as well, also doing a 40% water change just yesterday and a 20% water change on Sunday.
Romeo (his name) still eats a lot but spends most of his time hiding behind my bog wood and plants. :unsure:
I know I have a male Crowntail Betta in my tank but he is gentle as a lamb, only one has he taken a nip at my male guppy but after isolating him in my breeding tank he has not taken a nip out of any of my fish. I have noticed though that my feamle dwarf gourami does chase my male around the tank a lot nipping him at his sides and tail... is this normal female behavious? Because I don't really like it. I am considering giving away my female dwarf gourami to my friend who seems to have a harassing dwarf gourami male, but I'm not too sure.

Does anybody know how to help my male Dwarf Gourami? :unsure:
Sorry, the opposite happened to me, the male chased the female and damaged and stressed her so much she didn't make it - my fault, I didn't catch it in time. Can you move the female into another tank at all? Or get someone to 'fishsit' her till you decide what to do?

Hope your male gets better soon.

Thank you for your help Sarah.
I'm going to ask my friend to look after my female dwarf gourami till my male fully recovers then, I'm pretty sure my friends male dwarf gourami won't be a problem with her ;)

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