Problem With Lighting Unit


Jan 31, 2008
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Hi all

I have a Juwel Rio 300 with 1 x High-Lite Light Unit 120 cm, 2 x 54 W.

The problem im having is that the tubes come on for about two seconds and then go off.

I know very little about these things so any suggestions would be appreciated. I can answer any trouble shooting questions you may have.

Thanks in advance.
Not sure if these use "magnetic" or electronic control gear... if you have a "starter" then its the older, magnetic type.... if so then the starter would be the vist thing to look at, they only cost 50p so its worth having a spare !

If you have NO starters, then you have electronic gear, and the tubes may well run off a single unit, in which case the tubes will go on/off together.... and its possible that only ONE tube is defective...

Other than that, maybe your tube(s) are duff.... buy a couple of cheap white tubes from an electrical dealer, they only cost £1 or so - and are handy for testing in cases like this.
Once you KNOW its a "tube thing" then you can spend on aquarium tubes, but make sure first - they are expensive.

If neither of these cure it... then its new gear time.

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