Problem With Juwel Aerator


New Member
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Essex/Suffolk border, UK
This is maddening. I've had a Juwel aerator for about a year. It is a simple tube that fits onto the pump outlet. On the other end is a valve containing a tiny filter. There are no mechanical parts. Air is simply drawn through the filter, down the tube and into the outlet where it combines with the pumped water and makes bubbles.

For some inexplicable reason, it has stopped working. I've cleaned out the tube and the pump outlet pipe, and Ive checked that there are no holes in the tube. I've also cleaned the tiny filter, yet still it won't work. Any ideas please folks.
If you check the black plastic connector you will find that there is a tiny tiny hole in there that the white tube sits onto, make sure that the hole is unblocked, I used a sewing needle, also you will find that the black connector has a gap (hard to explain) make D cut out of it, make sure that that is properly aligned, but first check that the hole is unblocked.

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