ok pipe's can easily be cut to length of tank.....
put in intake into the water<submerge and put other end through to filter<leave un connected,<use a bucket to rest it over just in case....
same again with out take pipe, then connect the two flow switches, then the eww bit, suck through both pipes ensuring water flows through, then turn switch to off postition, then fill up filter before putting top on, it should be 8litre's......then put lid on and fasten all the tightners, then connect intake and outake, open first the intake pipe, then the out take pipe, once this is done, it should gurgle and splutter abit, then wait til that seses....then plug the filter in, it should work, then after about 1-2mins it will stop, then about two mins it should start again and continue for 24hrs, then will stop agin for two mins to exspell air