Problem With Fluval Roma 200 Stand


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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bought the tank/stand on 7th april ( b`day pressie to me from me)
anyway now i cant open either side of the cabinet,as its jammed ( seems like doors have grown)
just had a call from hagen and they said i should go back to pets at home and see what they say ( i dont really see eye to eye with the manager in there :blush: )

i really dont want to mess about on this one as the tank is stocked so what do i do ( pets at home is about 2 miles from me but its the worst road in the area can take up to 25 mins to get down it)

so what order do i need to do things in ?

really appreciate any guidence on this
shelagh xxx

the stand wont fit in the golf as it is,so should i ask for someone to come to the house to see it?
just spoke to pets at home and apparently i have to go in buy another stand then bring it home build it then take the old one in for a refund
im sure id be ok if i took this one in and did a straight swap.. what do u think?

( manager was on the fone so didnt want to hang about talking to him )
Drain as much water as you can hun to be able to move the tank,, in fact, probably best to remove all the fish into a large bucket, remove the water, run the filter/heater on the bucket with fish, take off the tank. Leave the fish in the bucket for now, just cover it with something so they cant jump out.

Take the stand back, exchange it, then set it back up again, fill it up (to temp), put fish back in, filter etc etc. Its the one with those snap shut doors aint it, pain they are, both my roma's with those cabinet got jammed after a few weeks, used to use a knife to open them.
I'm sure they'd do a straight swap. They're prob only suggesting you buy one and THEN swap because they don't think you'll be able to do it all in one go. Seems more sensible to me to do it the way minx suggested.
It must be something in the air
Obtained a secondhand tank and stand - got it looking lovely - came in last night to find the stand had given way and the only thing stopping disaster was the living room wall stopping gravity doing its thing.
Mass panic and alot of water removal ensued - before I had to beg my neighbour to help with the heavy lifting task.
The tank is now sitting on a nice drawer unit which actually looks like it was made for the job.
Got to admit I know have reservations about using the cheap MDF stands and would prefer a decent bit of furniture under them.
Lesson learnt for my next bigger and better tank.

Check out This which has your consumer rights. The goods are less than 6 months old and are not fit for purpose. The place where you bought them from (so long as they were not faulty when you bought them and you were not informed about it) have to give you a full refund or replace it. If you arrange to bring the stand in then they have to, by law, replace it for you or refund you.

You should not be shelling out any extra cash then getting a refund.

Check out This which has your consumer rights. The goods are less than 6 months old and are not fit for purpose. The place where you bought them from (so long as they were not faulty when you bought them and you were not informed about it) have to give you a full refund or replace it. If you arrange to bring the stand in then they have to, by law, replace it for you or refund you.

You should not be shelling out any extra cash then getting a refund.

Hey Shelagh! nice to see you back again :)

I think drain as much of the tank water as you possibly can and lift it and move it. I would (not sure if others agree) would place the fishes in a big big tub with filter etc and drain the tank so it isn't as heavy to carry.

Bagu :good:
thanks all :)

just in the process of draining it, cant be bothered with all the fuss today but dont want it to end up all over the floor either so better get on with it

cant drain completley as sam used the buckets for the car, so ill have to be extra supery carefull

ill let you know how i get on

and thanks for that link to consumer rights, it`ll come in very handy today and for the future :)
Well, I had stand problems after about 1 year with a 65 gallon black pine stand, you all know the ones that the local fish retail stores offer ($300-$500) stand and tank combo's. Anyway mine was cracking at the bottom rear corner. Could have been somewhat cosmetic but it got worse. Since I was always thinking of upgrading my 65 gallon I finally made the move and ordered a real setup . I now have a Aqueon Classic Mission Series 90 gallon stand, canopy, ( Cherry) and tank which set me back $2,000 :blink: . You don't have to spend that much but just like a home get the best foundation you can afford. One of the employees at the local fish store that has a service installing , servicing salt and fresh water tanks had the old tank out, new setup in within 2 hours. Cost me $125 and was well worth it. All the fish were happy with no ammonia or water paramiter problems at all. After having a tank for a year and a half I guess you get what you pay for. Cheap stands are just cheap stands. My new Aqueon Mission Series setup is awsome and very solid.
exchanged it no problem, got the took the op to clean the tank,gravel etc etc, then remembered that i promised my friend i would help clean his old house as hes giving the keys back tonight,so i managed to fill the tank half, the gravel is still in a bucket in the middle of the lounge,so ill have to sort the rest out tommorow, but so far so good with the stand, the doors open,but like i said its only half full, ill get some pics up for you tommorow,
oh and while i was out sam called me to tell me he sat and watched one of the angels eat a baby guppy!!
all done, thankgoodness, i forgot just how much work it was :(

from this

to this

slightly different coloured stand and i chose the mocca panel this time, took out all the plants ( the gravel was soooo muckey where i couldnt get in there to vac properly) they have all found a new home

end of problem, thankyou all for your help :)

shelagh xxxx
My roma 125 cabinet did the same thing, doors jammed, due to the weight of the tank and uneven floor, i got round this problem by double checking it was level then put some packers under the door opening sides ( not hinged side)
so the weight is spread even not just in the left and right corners
now doors open perfect, you can also adjust the locking catches at the top inside the move back and forth to get them flush
thanks mags,jay :)

it was a bit dodgy to start with maybe i just thought it was right itself, but got worse so decided i couldnt take the risk, but this one is perfect so far.. on reflection tho i should hae gone to a second hand shop and bought something solid for the £66 i paid for this stand

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