Problem With Betta Fish!


New Member
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
This morning when I went in to feed my betta I noticed that his tail looked like it is curling under. It looks to me like black balls (he is a black fish) at the ends of his fins. Does anyone know what this is and what I need to do about it. It's really scaring me I don't want to lose my fish. Please Help.
If it's a Crown Tail then that's normal if you don't do frequent water changes and flare him occasionally and sun bathe him.
If it's a Crown Tail then that's normal if you don't do frequent water changes and flare him occasionally and sun bathe him.

I do frequent water changes but I don't flare him, I heard that caused too much stress. How do I sun bathe him? Yes he is a crowntail. Should I start flaring him and sun bathing him? Thanks cracker.

If it's a Crown Tail then that's normal if you don't do frequent water changes and flare him occasionally and sun bathe him.

I do frequent water changes but I don't flare him, I heard that caused too much stress. How do I sun bathe him? Yes he is a crowntail. Should I start flaring him and sun bathing him? Thanks cracker.

Also what can I do to get him tail back to the normal beautiful way it was? If I start with the sun bathing and flaring will it go back to the way it was? Thanks Again.
Clean water and placing his tank in direct sun for ten minutes or so each day and five minutes or so of flaring will usually return the fins to normal.

As for flaring, it's fine as long as you do it for no more than fifteen minutes. It causes their blood to pump and it'll enhance colors and general health.
If it's a Crown Tail then that's normal if you don't do frequent water changes and flare him occasionally and sun bathe him.

I do frequent water changes but I don't flare him, I heard that caused too much stress. How do I sun bathe him? Yes he is a crowntail. Should I start flaring him and sun bathing him? Thanks cracker.

If it's a Crown Tail then that's normal if you don't do frequent water changes and flare him occasionally and sun bathe him.

I do frequent water changes but I don't flare him, I heard that caused too much stress. How do I sun bathe him? Yes he is a crowntail. Should I start flaring him and sun bathing him? Thanks cracker.

Also what can I do to get him tail back to the normal beautiful way it was? If I start with the sun bathing and flaring will it go back to the way it was? Thanks Again.

Here's what you want to do.

1. Feed him well with live feeds atleast 2 x a day.
2. Flare him : 5 mins before and 5 mins after feeding.
3. In the morning you want to flare him in direct sunlight for not more than 10 minutes.
4. siphon the dirt every day and pour it with clean water.
5. Do a 100% water change every 4 days.
6. Flaring will make him healthier and sun bathing will make his fins, tail thicker and stronger.
7. This also applies with other Bettas except for the fighters
8. Pray

I hope this helps.


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