Problem female


Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, Ny
I have had her about 2 weeks. Ithinh this is the 3rd time this has happened.
When she is swimming, she's fine. When she stops, she floats to the top, and goes on her side. The first time I saw this, I thought she was dead. When I realized she was alive, I removed her to a bowl by herself. After a little reading, I figured that she had over eaten. I lef her alone, no food. In 24 hrs she was fine. I have most of my females in a 20 gallon long tank. It is a pain, bt since then, I make sure I watch how much each one eats. She is actually one of the biggest/fatest in the tank. She gets no more; even less than the others. Why does this keep happening only to her? Would feeding her a pea everyday solve the problem? I was told that she was used for breeding, and is always has a large belly. Does anyone think it is an egg problem. Would breeding her help?
It sounds like there is a defect with her swim bladder. Is she otherwise perfectly healthy?
Yes, she looks fine, active, eats, flares sometimes. Not darting, or scratching. Is there anying I can do for her?
Sounds like swim bladder try her on shelled pea, what do you feed her.
if she has SBD(swimbladder disorder) then the only thing u can do is wait until she fixes the problem herself, i dont really think there is a "cure" for this problem.
I think she is constipated, or just stuffed herself. I'll try adding a pea to her diet once a week. Already fast her once a week, since the first time this happened.

THanks everyone for your help.
Maybe try to buy a little 2 gallon tank for her and then it would be easier to monitor her behavior and what and how much she eats. :]

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