Probably hopeless but I'll ask anyway.


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2004
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I have a bronze cory, looked fine until today. Now, his belly is horribly swollen and red, and he's swimming upside down at the top of the tank. I do regular weekly water changes and my nitrites are zero, nitrates around 20, temp at 82deg.

Is it safe to assume he's done for, or has anyone hear had a similar experience and had it turn out ok? Does it sound like something that might be contagious?
Wow. I just checked on him, and he's dead. I've never seen a fish die so quickly and so suddenly without warning. Perhaps it was an injury? I put some driftwood in the tank today.....I wonder if he got in the way and I accidentally crushed him with it? Could have been internal bleeding or something. These little guys know no fear and do not even attempt to get out of my way! Had one swim up my vacuum tube once. :lol: That was pretty funny and no harm came to him.
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss..I lost one of my corys yesterday :angry: :( I have to go and get more today cause they like to be in groups of 3 or more
Sorry for your loss. It really is quite possibal you did squish him but ya never know. I have like a million baziilion (oh I am sooo good with my numbers!) corys and one time I got one stuck IN a peice of drift wood. Well hopefully you can get another one and I hope this helped ever so slightly ~Scarlett
Hi jaimoe and 1bennet1

I'm so sorry to learn about your lost corys. :byebye:

I hope you find good replacements soon so your other corys have the companions they need. :nod:
Well I picked up another bronze cory yesterday, he's doing well, I have 6 of them again and the proper order has been restored to the tank. :lol:

Nobody else has taken ill so I'm assuming I caused the other guy's death in a freak driftwood accident. :*)

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