Prob. W/ bubble wall and filter


Jul 26, 2003
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New York
I have a Whisper Power filter model 40. I just purchased a Rena air pump model 100. I hooked the air pump up to a 23 inch bubble wand so the bubbles go along the entire length of the back of the tank (24in) and it looks great! The problem is that the Whisper filter is sucking up the bubbles and making really bad crackling noises. The water intake from the filter and the bubble wand both need to be at the back of the tank, so I can't move one of them. Does anyone know how to get around this problem? Any advice would be appreciated.
;) Had the same problem. Almost, drove me crazy! :hyper:
Just place a thin rock or something on top of the bubble bar right under your intake tube. It might take some adjustment but it works and doesn't interfere with your filter.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it and it works great.

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