Pristella tetras… big size difference… who is who???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So I got 6 pristella’s probably a little over a year ago… they came in really tiny, but all about the same size… in look closely at that tank today, I can still find all 6 but some are nearly twice the size, of the others all were f d equally… assuming the difference is the sexes… which are which??? Tried to get a picture, but this is a highly shaded tank, makes it challenging… best I got out of about a dozen attempts
Usually the rule with most tetras is often the females are girthier, if even larger in many cases, than the males. Of course there's exceptions on the overall size, such as emperor tetras, ornate/rosy/candycane tetras, etc. But as far as I know with pristellas, females are often larger than males
Get your wife to photograph them so we can see the fish, otherwise check them on your computer before uploading them. Find pictures that are in focus and clearly show the issue, then post them. When trying to ID fish, photograph them from the side so we can see the entire fish :)

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