Pristella Tetras Anyone?


Bitter & Clinging...
Oct 22, 2011
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I just bought (5) of these fish for my son's 55 gallon and so far they love their new home.  Excellent schoolers too and they seem almost fearless considering they share a tank with medium sized Angels, Bolivian Rams and a crazy Bristlenose Pleco as well as some other larger Tetras.

Does anyone have any experience with these guys?  I'm mostly concerned with the Angels & Bolivian Rams co existing with them.    
Well hopefully they aren't too small for the angel or rams to have a quick snack on them :p
Hey Techie, what's up bro?  Long time no hear................
I purposely had the Petco guy pick out the (5) largest ones for that reason.  Still, I don't know too much about Angels or how they'll treat them for the long haul.  I'm a little less concerned with the Rams, since I've yet to see them be aggressive towards any of the other Tetras.
Won't you need more than 5 for a school or are you waiting to see if they survive first?
TallTree01 said:
Won't you need more than 5 for a school or are you waiting to see if they survive first?
Yeah, I'm waiting to see how they do as well as waiting so I don't overload the cycle too quickly.  I just added (7) Trilineatus Corries less than a week before.
If all goes well for a week or two I'll add 5 or 7 more.  A dozen would look nice.
Well the little guys were doing so well that I gave in and brought home another 5 to bring the total up to 10.  So far so good.................  
The pristellas are our one of the best fish! We only have 2  in a NANO tank ( with other 3 different fish) and they are doing fine. They are very peaceful and silly! They prefer the granulates not the flakes.
That's good to know Rena, thanks.  I feed bottom feeder pellets to that tank anyway because the Bolivian Rams seem to love them.  Is that what you mean?
These guys aren't 100% transparent like Glass Catfish though, in fact they kinda glow a bit!  These are technically considered albino Pristella Tetras, which is a variant of the X-Ray Tetra.  X-Rays are known for being nearly as transparent as Glass Cats but the more they're farm bred, the less see-through the fish.  Or so I have read anyway.
Tonight they aren't schooling nearly as tightly as they were, which may be a good thing since most shoialers only school tightly when they feel threatened.

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