Prince The Rescued Betta


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
I saved him from but none other than my mother. When I saw him his fins were non existent!. I have nerced him back to semi health and will be putting him in a 5Gtank by himself.

He's gorgeous. Lovely colours.
A great save.
Keep us updated on how he progresses. :)
What a stunner, well done.
Can you tell us more about his history and prior living conditions?  How long had your mother had him, where did she get him from?
Not sure if you have seen this on location, but if you could action it would be helpful :)
Poor Prince - keep us updated on his new home and recovery!
He's beautiful, and I love the name :)
My mom bought him from pj pets about 6-7 months ago. I noticed about 2 months ago that his tail looked liked it was burned ( not fin rot) by the next visit his other fins looked burned. I told my mom to change his water 1-2 a week. I really don't know if she was putting enough conditioner in his water. She eventually called me to come and take him cuz she didn't know if he'd make it. By the time I got him, as I said his fins were non existent and he was having problems swimming. As soon as I got home I did a complete water change, scrubbed his bowl really clean then put in conditioner, betta fix remedy among other meds. I also put him in a hatchery so the water line wasn't far away so he could breathe. He's been eating cooked pea's because his swim blader was effected. I'm slowly getting him to eat flakes and blood worms.

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