Preventing Aggression.

The Mottfish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Bristol, UK.
The other day I got 5 Serpae tetras. (Weren't labelled as Serpae or Callisto tetras, otherwise i wouldn't of gotten them, my bad.) These are the first fish I have added to my tank (39 gal. 120cm long tank.)

Anyways, from most of the things I have read they can become aggressive and do squabble quite a bit, which they seem to do, and as I want a peaceful community tank I was wondering how affective adding a couple more would be in decreasing aggression? (Does this always work?)

if that's a 4ft tank,then add some more.
i kept some ,some years ago and found them
very active,but a little nippy towards my guppys.
I would increase the size of their shoal a lot more, preferably to at least 8 or more. What other fish are you keeping them with at the moment? Sepra tetras are quite nippy fish either way, but if you keep them in a large enough shoal they should be fine, however there are still quite a few types of fish which are not recommended that you keep with them (like guppys, gourami's, bettas etc). Filling out your profile with this info will also help in the future too with situations like this etc :thumbs: .
There the only fish in there atm.

They weren't part of my initial stocking plan and only got them as they were one of the fish the fish man recommended, which is why it's soo annoying as they will limit what tankmates I can get and want.

Do you think they would live happily in a 6 gallon tank together?

There the only fish in there atm.

They weren't part of my initial stocking plan and only got them as they were one of the fish the fish man recommended, which is why it's soo annoying as they will limit what tankmates I can get and want.

Do you think they would live happily in a 6 gallon tank together?


Nah they definately couldn't go in a 6gallon tank, the minimum amount of recommended gallons for keeping these fish is 15gallons. If you aren't happy with keeping them in the long term, i would either take them back to the shop or rehome them on the buy/sell/swap section on the forum etc- asking petshop staff to recommend you fish though is always a bad idea, most petshop staff are very limited in their knowledge on fishkeeping and fish in general, its much better to do your research before you go to the petshop on good forums or places like the practical fishkeeping website etc :nod: .
Thanks for your help. :good:

As I said I wouldn't of got them knowing they were Serpae Tetras which is annoying. :angry:

For now I'll see if they get too aggressive for the fish I want in there and will deal with it then.

How do you think some of these would get along with the Serpaes?

Cardinal Tetras
Kuhli Loaches
Emperor Tetras
Pearl Gouramis :huh:
Rams or Kribs (or other Dwarfs.)

(Just a few maybes, not thinking of adding all of these types!)
Glad to help :good: .
Not sure about all of those fish, but the khuli loaches should be fine with the seprae tetras- however any gourami's is definately a no-no.

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