Preventative Treatment For A Wound


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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A few days ago (Two actually) I noticed that my corys were doing their mating ritual so I decided to watch, and hopefully get any eggs that they laid.

Well while I was watching I noticed the female (As it was a female and two males competing for her) had a cut on her side, near her tummy, just behind her fin. I assumed it was from their rather amorous activities as there is nothing overly sharp in my tank that I can see - save some drift wood but I'm not sure if that really counts as sharp.

Anyways I have been keeping a close eye on her the past few days and she doesn't appear to be affected by her injury, she still swims to the top and plays in the filter current with the other corys like always.

Is there anything I can/should add to the tank to ensure she doesn't get a secondary infection? I can't add aquarium salt because Corys are scale less (Otherwise I would add some just for good measure) Or should I just keep up on my water changes and keep a close eye on her?

Also sad to report, I didn't find any eggs
my Gourami and platys are doing a good job of on population control
KrystaK said:
Is there anything I can/should add to the tank to ensure she doesn't get a secondary infection?
just leave it, it will heal
You could use API melafix I think its called, Ment to heal fins etc am sure it would help aid the healing of the cut.

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