Pretty Vt Boy... Free + Shipping


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I'm getting 2 new girls in a week, and 2 new boys in 2 weeks, I'm low on funds right now, and I'm forced to give up one or more of my bettas, the one I've decided to let go of first is my pretty VT Gabe. If anyones interested he'll be free +shipping to anywhere in U.S. I won't be able to send him out for at least a week because I need to buy shipping supplies. So I won't ask for payment until I definitly have the supplies, hes a pretty boy, with a quirky personality, so let me know if you're interested. Thanks.

This is the best pic I have right now, he seems to be a bit camera shy

Its a shame when you've gotta get rid of your fish to make room :/

If you dont mind holding on to him for another month ill pay shipping and take him in, unless someone else wants him. Way too cold to ship up here now, he'll freeze solid. :D Where do you live, im in Wisconsin.
Hey, how far are you from Poughkeepsie/Beacon? It didn't look too far on the map... If its relatively close, maybe I could drive and meet you half way so he doesn't need to be subjected to the stress of shipping in this cold weather. If I can get permission from my parents, I have an empty 5gal that would love a new inhabitant. From my experience, priority shipping often times does not get there same day, and even with the heatpack in oct/nov, Synirr's little girl arrived pretty cold; I'd be nervous about how he'd fair during a NY winter. I have transported fish all over the tri-state area, so if you need tips on "packaging" him for the journey, I'd be happy to help. If the snow is all cleared up by this weekend, I could pick him up that soon; I'm installing new shelving, actually, for my betta tanks on friday.
I'm a good owner, I promise; you can ask people in the forum. I did a betta "hospice" for a while, so I have good medical experience, and all of my boys get heated 5g homes with plenty of live and frozen food in thier diet.
Why are you getting rid of one betta to get 4 more?

-_- thats what I thinked! couldnt get rid of any of mine I love them too much! I spent 30 minutes yesterday looking for a baby platy I found the other day and put in a big tank...I found him :D little!
Hey, if we can swing it, I have full parental approval and a tank full of supplies awaiting ;)
I'm not sure where in OC you live; its just a stone's throw across the bridge for me, and I'm always willing to drive up to 2 hours to pick up an animal. If there's a place we can meet (since I'm guessing you don't want creepy fish people showing up at your house :lol: ), even if its more than half way for me, I'd be more than happy to take him. :thumbs:
Why are you getting rid of one betta to get 4 more?

-_- thats what I thinked! couldnt get rid of any of mine I love them too much!

for an update i am getting 2 females (possibly an extra male) and have room for them now. the problem is that i really never got as attached to him (Gabriel) as i did the other ones. he was more of a rescue than a love purchase. i bought him because i felt bad. i got him up to good health and now i want to find him a good home! also, he is very sensitive to water quality and the water i have to use isn't that great to begin with, and there isn't enough water treatment supplies out there to get my water to his level. it's sad for me to get rid of him, but i much rather have him in a good home with happy water conditions, than being miserable with my water.

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