Pretty Simple Ques.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
i lost a few of my neons and i'm just wondering if i replaced them with rummynose tetras would that be okay? will they school together ?
Rummynoses will school with rummynoses, but not with neon's. Cardinals and neons will stay together, for example, as they look so alike, but not rummy's.
So, it depends on how many neons you now have and how many rummy's your planning on getting - i.e. will you have a decent shoal of each?
Am assuming that your neons dies a while ago and the issue that led to it is now sorted out.
Rummynoses will school with rummynoses, but not with neon's. Cardinals and neons will stay together, for example, as they look so alike, but not rummy's.
So, it depends on how many neons you now have and how many rummy's your planning on getting - i.e. will you have a decent shoal of each?
Am assuming that your neons dies a while ago and the issue that led to it is now sorted out.

thanks for the reply, i guess i'll go with cardinals then as i don't have many neons. i really don't know what happened with the neons unless they were just old. they came with the tank my gf gave me (she didn't want it anymore). there wasn't any sign of anything; in fact i didn't even notice they were gone at first. just saw them (2) one day glued to the filter intake and they didn't even look like fish, more like neon mush :sick: my stats are good and all other fish are healthy.
Rummynose are among the best shoalers IMO but they do stay around the bottom third of the tank all the time.They are also a fussy fish which need very good water conditions to thrive.Like anneka says they wont shoal with neons.
If the neons have only died recently Id wait a while to make sure that you have no other deaths in the tank before replacing them
Rummynose are among the best shoalers IMO but they do stay around the bottom third of the tank all the time.They are also a fussy fish which need very good water conditions to thrive.Like anneka says they wont shoal with neons.
If the neons have only died recently Id wait a while to make sure that you have no other deaths in the tank before replacing them

they died a few weeks ago...

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