Lunar Jetman said:
Why can't you edit this? Don't you have the Edit button to the right below your post?
And it occurred to me to put the pin back in as well, because I was going to ask you what happens when it runs out and you need to refill it?
The Edit button disappears after awhile for some strange reason. Dunno why.
Iv always taped the FE and everyone iv known to use this method has taped it too. Never thought use the pin lol
Anyway if you do tape it, you just simply cut it off reattach the horn then take it to be refilled:)
I think the edit button disappears after someone replies to your post.
Yea I think your right. Never used to be like that. Its a bit annoying to be honest lol
Great thread! Thank you!
I am off to get myself a Koralia for my new tank this week!

One question I do have though, is 10 times flow not going to be bad for fish?
Or will they still find some spots that are less turbulent than others when needs be?
aaronc said:
Great thread! Thank you!
I am off to get myself a Koralia for my new tank this week!

One question I do have though, is 10 times flow not going to be bad for fish?
Or will they still find some spots that are less turbulent than others when needs be?
10x is absolutely fine for the fish I promise you:) as long as you dont have a betta lol
Keep finding minor misakes, missed out words, spelling mistakes and my shopping list are all numbered 1. No idea how that happened
Can a MOD please grant me permission to EDIT please.

I'll definitely be following this when I actually get round to doing it! I just can't bring myself to spend ~£130 when I'm going to uni for 3 years in September. It seems a bit of a waste when I'm probably not going to be able to have a tank for at least the first year. 
I've actually been looking at privately rented accommodation solely so I can have a fish tank though :lol:
Sad, I know...
Joshwainwright said:
Brilliant! :good:
I'll definitely be following this when I actually get round to doing it! I just can't bring myself to spend ~£130 when I'm going to uni for 3 years in September. It seems a bit of a waste when I'm probably not going to be able to have a tank for at least the first year. 
I've actually been looking at privately rented accommodation solely so I can have a fish tank though :lol:
Sad, I know...
Hahahaha think I would do the same lol. Im sure it could be done a little cheaper if you really search the net long n hard.
I understand its still a big cost tho. Anyway glad I could help, never know may be something your want to do in the future after uni:)
I never noticed this, Good write up.
Nice one Slim! I've recently set up a high tech tank (check my sig), that's every bit of information I've had to hunt down across the internet, all in one place! When the mods give you your edit button, may want to add that it'd be a good idea to close the needle valve before you fire the FE. Righty tighty, lefty loosey!

I found out why you don't use airline tubing... the CO2 escapes, causing the tube to collapse on its self and make a sort of 'vacuum'... I noticed one morning that my CO2 wasn't going into the tank, took me a while to realise the pipe was all squished! 

Went out and bought some proper CO2 pipe, you're right about it being more rigid. When I was fitting it onto my glass diffuser, I used a wee bit too much force and the whole thing smashed in my hand. Back to the LFS to buy another diffuser...!
Thanx alot. Yea i did think about adding a little something on the needle valve, that basically needs to be shut off before the solenoid is switched on. Small detail i missed.
And that was kinda my aim as iv always found that all the information on co2 injection is in bits n bobs all over the internet with conflicting information. The aim was to put all the information into one place and make just one source for people to refer back to.
Glad you liked it:)
Supraman said:
Well this was exactly what I was looking for and I think I will give this a try :D
Glad I could help:)
What are your thoughts on Ph controllers slim? Forgetting cost of course!

I cannot get my Ph to stabilize no matter what I do. My Drop checker goes green for maybe 3 hours of the day at best.

I'm sure this is normal but it certainly doesn't seem like an efficient use of CO2!

My plan is to have the Ph controller attatched to a timer so it switches on in the morning and regulates the Ph throughout the day until lights out.

Sound like a good idea?
jaeger5 said:
What are your thoughts on Ph controllers slim? Forgetting cost of course!
I cannot get my Ph to stabilize no matter what I do. My Drop checker goes green for maybe 3 hours of the day at best.
I'm sure this is normal but it certainly doesn't seem like an efficient use of CO2!
My plan is to have the Ph controller attatched to a timer so it switches on in the morning and regulates the Ph throughout the day until lights out.
Sound like a good idea?
In theory yes this sounds like a great idea. In all honestly iv never used a PH controller so have 0 experience with them.
From what i read, the trouble with them is IF they go wrong or faulter, you could end up gassing your fish.
The fact that your co2 rises through out the day to me suggests inconsistant co2.
This could be your reg? Diffuser perhaps, ceramics are not the best tbh. Plus how much surface agitation do you have also?
I assume your co2 is set to come on 2 hours before lights on also?
Shelster said:
Really good photos jaeger!

Silly question maybe..... Was the lampeye still alive?

I've had them before but didn't realise what jumpers they are!
SLIM said:
What are your thoughts on Ph controllers slim? Forgetting cost of course!
I cannot get my Ph to stabilize no matter what I do. My Drop checker goes green for maybe 3 hours of the day at best.
I'm sure this is normal but it certainly doesn't seem like an efficient use of CO2!
My plan is to have the Ph controller attatched to a timer so it switches on in the morning and regulates the Ph throughout the day until lights out.
Sound like a good idea?
In theory yes this sounds like a great idea. In all honestly iv never used a PH controller so have 0 experience with them.
From what i read, the trouble with them is IF they go wrong or faulter, you could end up gassing your fish.
The fact that your co2 rises through out the day to me suggests inconsistant co2.
This could be your reg? Diffuser perhaps, ceramics are not the best tbh. Plus how much surface agitation do you have also?
I assume your co2 is set to come on 2 hours before lights on also?
You assume correct. I think the regulator is sound, the bps are always consistent throughout the day. The diffuser produces lots of even sized bubbles across the entire ceramic surface, not just one part of it so I'd say its working correctly. Moderate surface agitation, I get small tornado like funnels appearing at the surface, its kinda cool to watch and the fish seem to like it! Its not as bad as it sounds, all the plants are gently swaying and the fish aren't having to swim for their lives either. Its almost as though my CO2 doesn't escape from the water fast enough, if it did, I might be able to balance things easier... Kh is 10 which isn't all that high... I think I'm just going to buy one, I had one a couple of years ago but didn't use it properly.

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