Fish Gatherer
If anyone here has any knowledge on preserving (dead) animals please feel welcome to add input. Today's topic is preservation - as I'm sure the title implies.
For a while now, I've been considering ways in which I could preserve my darling plecos and shrimp when they pass, and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I currently have a couple shrimp molts kept in a jar of surgical spirit - which I believe is 70% alcohol, but please correct me if I'm wrong - and have had them since early April. In those six months they've deterioriated very little, with only a few signs of age through discolouration. While I'd definitely need quite a large jar for the sailfin plec and a whole truck-load of surgical spirit, would this method of preservation stand the test of time?
I've always been fascinated with wet specimens but you rarely see them for plecs - let alone plecs of the size I'm hoping my dear sailfin gets to. I would love to preserve him when he does inevitably go, and the same goes for my giant fan shrimp.
If anyone has any advice of information to add, please let me know! If there are any better alternatives for preservation, please also clue me into them. Thanks!
For a while now, I've been considering ways in which I could preserve my darling plecos and shrimp when they pass, and was wondering if anyone had any advice. I currently have a couple shrimp molts kept in a jar of surgical spirit - which I believe is 70% alcohol, but please correct me if I'm wrong - and have had them since early April. In those six months they've deterioriated very little, with only a few signs of age through discolouration. While I'd definitely need quite a large jar for the sailfin plec and a whole truck-load of surgical spirit, would this method of preservation stand the test of time?
I've always been fascinated with wet specimens but you rarely see them for plecs - let alone plecs of the size I'm hoping my dear sailfin gets to. I would love to preserve him when he does inevitably go, and the same goes for my giant fan shrimp.
If anyone has any advice of information to add, please let me know! If there are any better alternatives for preservation, please also clue me into them. Thanks!