preparing to breed need help


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2005
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it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission
That had you panicking didn't it, i'm not breeding yet but i am starting to get all the equipment together and need a little help

what is amquel and what does it do is there other brands that do the same like aqua-safe

corner/foam filter any special reason and more info needed

what type of betta would you say would be the best to breed/more desirable colour tail type (realistic options please), only asking so that they sell easily don't want unwanted babies -_-
AmQuel removes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines from freshwater and salt water. :) So basically it is a water conditioner, yes. But it is a very good one and though several brands claim to do the same, few are as effective as Amquel.

The reason a small corner/foam filter is recommended when breeding is simply so it doesn't create too much current for the male to make his nest. It is also much harder for fry to be sucked into a foam filter than say, a HOB filter intake.

As for what type of betta to breed, whatever you do don't breed veiltails. Don't get me wrong: I think they are gorgeous and I love mine but as you have probably noticed, 90% of bettas in fish stores are veils. There is no shortage of them. ;)

When you say 'realistic', I guess you mean you don't want something ridiculously expensive; neither would I. So I guess halfmoons are out of the question. :p Personally I'd go for crowntails or plakats.

Good luck! :thumbs:
realistic as in purple bettas etc i don't mind spending the money to get a good pair

The reason a small corner/foam filter is recommended when breeding is simply so it doesn't create too much current for the male to make his nest. It is also much harder for fry to be sucked into a foam filter than say, a HOB filter intake.
would a box filter be suitable
just got this guy so was thinking of getting a female for him
I'm not sure about the box filter..... -_-

:hyper: Your boys are beautiful! I don't know which I like more.... :wub:
The third one looks best to me but you'd want to make sure there were no places for dim/nosey fry to get sucked into, and that the output current wasn't too strong.
I love that white double tail! Breed him, breed him! Find the iciest white female singletail that carries double, if you can. I'll take a dozen of those babies off you, no doubt. He's gorgeous!
Good Luck Red Devil - keep us posted. That is a lovely dt placket - good job I was at work when he was listed! :D
will post pics of the tanks when i get them cleaned up, they are great well made tanks, i think my b/f has finally given up trying to stop me buying bettas now when i talk about them he just sits there like this :nod: saying "yes love" :no: "no love" :rofl: :rofl:
I knew that sig was going to come back and bite me. I'll have to change it before I start begging at Yeevia's tanks. :rofl:

The box filters do have some suction going on. You may end up with babies in the box. That won't hurt them too bad if you get them out soon. Sponge filters are better. They have the suction, but fry can't get sucked into a sponge. I doubt you'll have too much trouble whichever way you go.

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