Preparing for the move


Fish Herder
Jun 5, 2003
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So I did my weekly WC last night. I took down my 2 10 gal tanks and added all the fish to my 55 gal tank. This might put a little stress on the fish at first, but it makes life easier in the end. Since I will be taking the tank down at around 3:00 AM (yes AM) and leaving as soon as its in the truck, I can simply drain the one tank and be gone. Since all my fish will be traveling in 2 seperate containers, it will be better for them to be used to the tank water they are traveling in. My only worry has been the 2 gouramis. They fight a bit, but not too badly since the tank has enough room and hiding places for them to flee. Also they are kept in check by my deppii. Well I might not be on to much this week, lots of packing. Wish my fishes(and me) luck in the move. About an 8 hour drive to the desert!!!
Good luck on the move, sounds like alot of work. I was wondering if you have a tank devider you might put in there to keep them seperate during the move so they dont get into too much trouble while you are not looking. :rolleyes: Good luck with the move and let us know how everyone traveled when you get back. Sandy
They will be traveling in a few layers of black plastic trashbags. Those bags will be inside large coolers. I don't think they will bother each other during transport.
I can say from recent experience that I agree with them not bothering eachother much during the move. I had to divy' mine up as best as I could, but I still had some that fought in the same tote and they were so beside themselves that they didn't really notice their enemies were so close :sly: :shifty:



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