Preparing An Old Marine Tank...

N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
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As some of you may know, I bought an Aqua One 620T from someone on my delivery round 8 days ago. It was used in a marine setup, before being allowed to dry after the previous owner transferred his fish across to a bigger tank.

Besides giving the tank a good clean using some vinegar and then plenty of rinses, is there anything else I should be doing in preparation for moving my very peaceful fish (Filament Glassfish; Golden Kuhlis; Hypoptopoma; Rabbit Snails) across?

This will then start a chain of fish juggling, enabling me to move the A. mento to the Korall60 immediately afterwards. The Lionhead fry will hopefully be moved to the 100l plastic tub from the Rio240, enabling me to either move the larger peaceful fish from the 540l back to the Rio240, or possibly seperate the stocking more along continents of origin (so African species move to 240, as they are less active and smaller at least in the short term).
I doubt you will need to do anything else with the old marine tank except rinsing out as you have done. I would be tempted upon fill-up to just check the sg to ensure salt is not leaking from the seals, but even then i cant imagine it would be much

Seffie x
Cheers for the input, espcially being someone who has a marine background!

The chap who sold me the tank for a mere £20 (with working plus spare bulbs and two new tubs of Nutrafin tropical flake) said that there was something wrong or needed to get the 620T's wet/dry filter working (it did not help that there was a bit of a communication barrier, as he was Turkish), I'm hoping it might simply be some new filter pads/sponges as his would have been a marine bacterial colony.

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