Prepare Yourself...


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Let's try to have a thread where no one complains! How about that, would you like that? There's even a fluffy puppy in this one.

Where my pinks come from. I have two herp shops in town that sell frozen, but I still get the pre-packaged Petco/Petsmart kind when I can because the herp shop ones don't always look terribly fresh. The only problem with these is that I have to feel the package to figure out how big they are before I can serve 'em up, at the herp shops I can just request a certain size. Bekele's have to be 2 days old at the most.

I forgot to put him in the feeding container first. It's like 4AM and I just woke up from a 5 hour nap, give me a break. He impressed me with how well he was able to avoid eating the substrate bits anyway.

Yum yum

They's so tasty

And more Vakasa... it was only after I picked her up and she started nosing around on my hand with her tongue flicking wildly that I realized I had just been handling pinks :|. She's still not completely over her respiratory infection, so no pics of her eating, she's reluctant. She ate a frog earlier this week, which was WAY too tiny to make a full meal, but didn't want her pink tonight. I'm leaving it overnight in hopes she'll take it after lights out.


Silly snake

"Momma, you's holding the snake? Can I eat it?"

And I finally got some pics that capture her gorgeous eyes :wub:
"Where's the pinks?? I smell them."


Lookin' like a goober.
As always I love your snakes and it is great to see them eating. I just had to laugh when I saw the petco packaging thought, what is that all about,lol does everything have to be packaged to the point of insanity. Shame about your other pet shop. With mine I just go in tell him i have no idea what size I want and he brings the massive bags out of the freezer so I can sift through them. :good:

They's so tasty
Isn't it (they're), not (they's) ?

Yazan, what exactly was the point of that post, in my view it was spam everyone makes spelling and grammar mistakes. Are you now appointing your self chief grammar and spell checker.
Looking very nice Synirr, been enjoying all your snake pics recently.

Great photography skills on the eys too! :hyper:

Yazan, it was done on purpose, gives a more fun, excitable tone to the sentence. :rolleyes:
It wasn't even a spelling mistake. It was "They's" on purpose! I like the captions with the incorrect use of english hehe.

She's really cute Synirr :).

Edit: Snap geo7x!
grrr... synirr, you's gots to stop postin' those sexy snake pics! :grr: all making me want vipers :p

(y'all lay off of yazan; i think he was just trying to learn more about English grammar.) (although internet forums are probably the absolute worst place to try to pic up the finer points :rofl:)

1) Yazan asked Synirr a question. Last I checked, it was acceptable to interpret that as a request for information and not as an insult.

2) Yazan is not only 11 but is a non-native English speaker. I understand that you would have no way of knowing except to have read a certain other thread, but try to remember that just because he lives in Australia doesn't make him Australian.

3) Even if Yazan *was* trying to scold someone for using bad grammar, cut him a break because he's just 11. A lot of kids that age struggle with appropriate means of social interaction and a lot of them resort to taking poses of authority in an attempt to garner respect. I just spent a weekend with my 10 yr old cousin: she does the same thing and pretends that she knows everything in any subject where she only knows a little. It's annoying as all get out, but that doesn't make her a bad kid. In fact, I enjoy talking to her so long as I ignore her when she's showing off. She is just a kid trying to participate in a house full of adults, so I try to cut her slack about trying so hard to appear more impressive. All she wants is to be taken seriously.

If something were at stake here, like a life or a small fortune in medicines, then I'd bust out the big guns too and pull up evidence of past inadequacies. This? This is just a little bit of grammar. Don't sweat it. There are tons of people on the internet who have dyslexia and biologically cannot use proper English. I find that its a lot easier to pretend that everyone with chronic spelling issues just can't help it and that it wouldn't do me any good to fuss about it.

But, ooo, text type? R U serious? :sick: If someone else will bring torches, then I'll definitely carry a pitchfork. :lol:
Holy Christ people, are you going to get all my threads locked??? Take a chill pill, all of you! You're giving me a complex. :blink:
Let's try to have a thread where no one complains! How about that, would you like that?

I sure would. I would like to look at the nice pics of the snakes and the little doggie.
Let's try to have a thread where no one complains! How about that, would you like that?

I sure would. I would like to look at the nice pics of the snakes and the little doggie.

Me too.

Gypsy looks great Synirr. She's looks like my Cici when I'm feeding cats. She jumps up and down, "Mommy, can I have it? Pretty Please! Look at me jump high! I'm cute!"

How wierd that pinkies come in such a brite, happy package! So obviously not geared toward the snake. Besides, how would the package designer know it's a gourmet rodent. Did they sample? Define gourmet? Did they interview a test panel of snakes? Are these pinkies USDA choice pinkies? Even more important, were they fed antibiotics? :/

Wait, I know what the answer is. There was a synposium in the Mantis Shrimp World summit. I checked the program. They discussed it, ran the tests and determined that they were indeed gourmet rodents. Clever little mantis shrimp. :nerd:

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