pregnnat or just fat?


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi guys :D i have this guppy, and i odn't know if she's pregnant or just are the pictures :rolleyes: someone please enlighten me




My guppy looks just like that, I'm pretty sure she's prego but I have yet to see fry. She looks it though :)
cool :D i really watn to see tehse fry come out and raise them...any ideas what i should do ? at hte moment she's in a 25g tank with 6 female bettas, 2 guppies and 3 cory cats :p

thanks guys :D
Pregnant for sure and ready to go any day (up to a week)

Good Luck

Don't forget she will eat some of them
wow is she pregnant !!! fry should be coming along any day. Do you have a net breeder you can hang in the tank to keep em safe ?
i don't really know how to do this :dunno: this is not my area of speciality lol. But since you guys told me she's most likely prengnat i got myself a clear container and punched holes in it to let water pass through and hanged it on the side of my tank :D

she looks a bit freaked out at first...and a bit confused :lol: but i'm hoping for fry! she always looks like she wnats out though :/
Heres a pic of one of my platties in a breeder and she hated it lol still had about 30 fry though

thanks for hte advice :D but what if she deosnt' give birth within 24 - 48 hours :/ then i'll have to put her back into teh tank right? but what if she gives brith wihle OUT of the container?!
:crazy: still nothing! does anyone know what the gestation period for guppies is?
I think it's 28 days, but can be shorter or longer depending on the fish & water conditions. My black molly was, um, going right along w/ me before, hehe.
Hi, I have bred guppies on a large scale. I personally like the females to have their own tank. If you have a 1 or 2 gal tank that could be set up with aged water from an existing tank do so quickly. No need for gravel, filterand heater a must you can use those round sponge filters, I just loved them as they did not trap and kill the fry when they were born. Put in a few plastic or live plants for the fry to hide in.

I would put the female in there when they looked like your is. I would also keep the light off so the female could not see the fry is she had them during the night. They will eat a certain amount of their own fry if they can see them. In the morning and during the day I would watch to see if she was having them or not.

After the female had dropped her fry I would remove her to a seperate tank for a day to get back her strength and then into the main tank again she would go. A single female can store enough sperm for approx 5 batches of fry without ever being in contact with a male.

The fry would stay in the small tank (1 or 2 gal) and they would be raised in there till of such a size. I would then cull, seperate and put males in one tank and females in another tank for grow out.

I am totally agains the breeding nets that hang in the tanks as they stress out the females to no end and I had alot of dead females this way. Your seperate tank is your best bet if you can get one.

28 days is usually the amount of time it takes before they drop fry. However if they are stressed they can drop early ending in alot of dead fry and they can also hold without dropping for several months. Had both happen to me when I first started.

Sorry to say that the container you made the fry will just fall through the holes and the bettas will be right there for a tasty snack.

Do try and get one of the tanks mentioned above if you want to keep some fry.

Good Luck....bugsy :)

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