Pregnat guppy


New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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hi all, just to let u know i added 2x male and 2x female guppys on saturday, and some neon tetras too, i then went away the weekend and returned home today to find my female guppy is pregnant, she has a large buldging belly, which has appered in 2 days!! How long do u think i have til she lays her fry? im going away again the weekend and havnt set up my breeding/quarantine tank yet, should i get a breeding trap and put her in it whilst im away??? im away 4 days! :hyper:
A large bulging belly appeared over 2 days? :huh:

It will appear over a course of weeks if she is pregnant. Are her scales sticking out oh her sides like a pinecone? Does she have a gravid spot? Is she eating and acting normally?

2 days and getting a swelled belly doesn't sound right to me,that's why I ask all of this stuff. :/
Heather brings up good questions. If the scales are sticking out and looking like a pinecone, could be dropsy. 2 days really is quite sudden to swell up from pregnancy. Another good question from Heather is does she have a gravid spot? This is a good indication that she's very pregnant and dropping fry is in the near future.

If she is pregnant, I wouldn't advise keeping her in a breeding trap for four days... could stress her out too much.

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