

Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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I have a red cap oranda that has become very enlarged in the belly area and quite lathargic (hides in a half buried flower pot all the time) Comes out to feed so appitite no problem no swim bladder problem.

Point is having no other red cap oranda can pregnancy be an issue??
How big is the fish? It doesnt matter what type of fish it is they interbreed readily with each other. Have you seen the fish poo recently? what did it look like as normal is short dark thick strands.
There may be other reasons why your fish is bloated looking and not necessarily carrying eggs.
Can you get a pic of your fish?
How big is the fish? It doesnt matter what type of fish it is they interbreed readily with each other. Have you seen the fish poo recently? what did it look like as normal is short dark thick strands.
There may be other reasons why your fish is bloated looking and not necessarily carrying eggs.
Can you get a pic of your fish?

About 6 weeks ago

This morning

Where it spends all its time
If it's resting on the floor it sounds like a bacteria infection, fancy goldfish are very prone to swim bladder problems and constipation, what do you feed the fish, i would try some shelled peas and daphnia.

Not the writer of this information below.
The Swim bladder is a gas-filled sac located inside the fish’s body cavity just above most of the other internal organs. This sac is what gives the fish buoyancy and controls equilibrium. The amount of gas in this sac changes as the fish rises and sinks in the water, enabling it to swim, hover and move in the water. Without the use of the Swim-bladder organ a fish is unable to control it's own movements.


Fish with a swim bladder disorder appear to have an abnormal swimming pattern, usually with their tail end up. They also appear to have difficulty maintaining equilibrium. They may even float upside down or appear to be stuck at the surface of the water, being unable to swim down, or they may lie on the bottom, unable to rise. Fish with a swim bladder disorder will continue to try and feed, showing a normal appetite.


The most common cause of swim bladder disorders is improper diet. An improper diet can lead to intestinal gas or intestinal blockages. Intestinal blockages can irritate the bowel, giving bacteria or other parasites an entry point where they can then cause damage to the swim bladder. Swim bladder disorders are most common in the larger, deep-bodied varieties of Goldfish. Fish also fed a lot of dried foods, especially pellets, are most susceptible. This condition is frequently observed in the later stages of Malawi Bloat, which is primarily due to an improper diet as well and intestinal irritation.


Because this disorder is due principally to an improper diet, a change in their feeding needs to be made. Dried foods with lots of protein should be kept to a minimum. Pellets and other dense foods should be soaked prior to feeding or completely eliminated from their diet. Foods with lots of fiber should be introduced, such as zucchini, squash, spinach, romaine lettuce, peas, and grated carrots. If you suspect that the fish is victim to a bacterial infection, treat the fish with a medicated food.
To be absolutely sure about the egg thing how can I tell if she is indeed a she and not a he??? :crazy:
need a head on and side view if you can. The fish doesnt look like its carrying eggs to me.

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